‘Restoring Our Rivers by Any Means Necessary!’ - Kate Speke-Adams

Friday 11th October at 7.30

Kate’s talk will explain the broad range of work undertaken by the Wye & Usk Foundation and describe how the Foundation seeks to address specific pressures including:

  • Access to spawning grounds for migratory fish

  • Habitat conditions in the Wye including gravel supplies for fish spawning, bankside protection and eradication of non-native invasive species

  • Water quality including the impact of pesticides on drinking water supplies & phosphate levels causing eutrophication in the river.

  • Water quantity, both high and low flows and the implication for residents of the river and the county.

Kate heads up a team of Catchment Advisers at the Foundation, which seeks to reduce diffuse pollution arising from agriculture throughout the catchment.

Kate grew up on a dairy farm in North Herefordshire and this, combined with experience gained from working for the Environment Agency, gives her a well balanced view on the risks and opportunities that agriculture can offer the water environment.